
White House Climate Advisor Recognizes Sempra’s Safety 和 Climate Advancements

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Sempra’s commitment to climate resilience 和 创新 was commended last week when Gina McCarthy, 白宫国家气候顾问, 参观圣地亚哥天然气 & 电力公司的可持续发展目标&E)紧急行动中心(EOC). 顾问麦卡锡, 以及众议员斯科特·彼得斯, 本人迭戈, 众议员迈克·莱文, 圣胡安·卡皮斯特拉诺, 收到来自Sempra和可持续发展目标的更新&向领导人介绍他们最新的火灾科学和气候适应 进步.


Sempra’s family of companies’ commitment to climate resilience, as well as its focus on 安全, 创新在整个行程中都受到了赞扬. 麦卡锡顾问指出, with a 40-year tenure of government service she has seen many such facilities, 但西班牙&E 's是她去过的最好的餐厅之一. “我对我所看到的感到非常兴奋,”她说.

She also recognized that the company’s innovative approaches to advance climate resilience show courage, 领导, 创新, 和 creativity exemplifying the types of investments the administration seeks to advance. “These are all adaptations to our climate crisis that everyone should take a look at 和 start emulating,麦卡锡顾问说.

Representatives Levin 和 Peters said wildfire mitigation model should be considered in establishing a national st和ard, especially given its innovative new methods of wildfire mitigation 和 detection. 莱文议员说 西班牙什么&E正在做什么? 为了帮助减轻火灾,“应该在任何地方都这样做.”

西班牙的&E队欢迎吉娜·麦卡锡, 众议员斯科特·彼得斯, 众议员迈克·莱文

西班牙的&E队欢迎吉娜·麦卡锡, 白宫国家气候顾问, 众议员斯科特·彼得斯, 众议员迈克·莱文

西班牙&E, 森普拉运营公司, has a long commitment to strengthening the region against a dynamic climate that has amplified high fire-threat conditions in recent years. 西班牙&E’s recent wildfire mitigation 创新s for 2021 include the following, among other measures:

  • A mobile power station with a 500kW set of lithium-ion batteries to help support the needs of customers impacted by a public 安全 power shutoffs (PSPS).

  • A new private communications network under development to support advanced protection systems, 如跌落导体保护和高速继电器, 并实现更有效的系统通信.

  • Enhanced infrastructure hardening with more than 150 miles of overhead lines planned to be hardened in 2021. 另外, 25 miles of lines are planned to be strategically undergrounded to help keep communities 和 critical customers energized during a power shutoff.

  • A virtual reality training program to help field workers run through different scenarios 和 learn how to quickly identify 和 efficiently respond to issues they may encounter in the field, 包括应对潜在的野火风险.

  • An updated weather network that will become the first in the state to include cameras that measure chlorophyll in vegetation 和 sensors that measure moisture content in the brush. The network is also expected to leverage satellites’ latest remote sensing capabilities to detect, 警报, 并从太空监测野火活动.

  • 扩展可持续发展目标&E的生成器程序. Medical Baseline customers who experienced a PSPS in 2020 have received or are being offered a portable renewable generator for future energy needs. Customers in the areas at greatest risk for wildfire have also been offered additional generator rebates.

  • An exp和ed community partnership network with 2-1-1 San Diego 和 2-1-1 Orange County, 美国红十字会, 和 the Inter-Tribal Long Term Recovery Foundation to disseminate critical wildfire preparedness information 和 helpful customer resources during a PSPS.


Each of Sempra’s operating companies is advancing the energy transition through energy infrastructure that enables the delivery of lower-carbon energy sources with an increasing focus on climate resilience.

众议员彼得斯是美国国会议员.S. 众议院能源和商务委员会赞扬了可持续发展目标&E代表渐进式效用, including the fact that it is delivering about 40% of its power from renewable sources.

西班牙&E也在通过它推进能源转型 电动汽车 (EV)基础设施. 在可持续发展目标中,大约有6万辆电动汽车和7500个电动汽车充电站&E的领土.

麦卡锡顾问指出, 天然气 is expected to continue playing a role in the energy transition alongside renewable energy. Sempra’s 天然气 infrastructure supports renewables by providing the flexibility for intermittent wind 和 solar resources to be seamlessly added to the grid without service interruptions to customers. 南加州天然气公司., another Sempra operating company, is working to utilize its existing infrastructure to 先进的氢技术 和 has a goal of replacing 20% of the traditional 天然气 delivered to its core customers with renewable 天然气 by 2030.

在全球范围内, 通过卡梅伦液化天然气出口设施, Sempra is playing a critical role in transitioning growing economies to reliable suppliers of 天然气 in place of higher-carbon fuel sources, 比如生物质, 燃料油和煤.

From 创新s at Sempra’s California utilities to 液化天然气 infrastructure on the Gulf Coast, Sempra is committed to innovating 和 building critical energy infrastructure that is designed to be climate resilient 和 will support the needs of customers. Its operating companies are demonstrating that Sempra is making the critical infrastructure investments today in an effort to support the 未来的能源系统, 和 the work is bolstered by collaboration with government partners who share the same commitment.